Comparing PostBaccalaureate Master’s Degree Programs Designed for Premedical and Other Health Professions’ Students

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Postbaccalaureate programs (PBPs) for pre-professional health students are important, yet remain a hidden step on the path to health professional school matriculation: - Approximately 15% of medical students participate in a PBP. - PBP students are more likely to be underrepresented in medicine (URM). - PBP students are likely to work in underserved communities and in primary care. - PBP experience is not identified by either the AMCAS or the preMCAT. PBPs differ from other educational programs: - No standardization of programs or accreditation entity. - No standard requirements regarding duration or content. - No single comprehensive database available to students and advisors (as compared to the MSAR for medical schools).

  • 2017
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